Give Handiwork this Christmas

Give Handiwork this Christmas

Turn your holiday into something special by serving your guests Coquito Puerto Rican Punch.
Three Kings

Therefore, when we cannot find the perfect gift, we take the easy way out and head on over to our neighborhood department store for the infamous gift certificate. This is the effortless way that we solve our gift-giving problem year after year. Unfortunately, the whole idea of giving runs the risk of losing its true meaning. This could be equally frustrating for the person receiving our gift.

Our Hispanic culture is so rich and diverse that it has produced all types of great artists who specialize in fine art. Dare to be different this Christmas and give products from your motherland. It can be something simple and edible like coffee, pastries and beverages. On the other hand, it could be something as unique as a work of art, a painting or handicrafts. Moreover, when you buy a product from home, it helps boost that country’s economy.

Craftsmen make wonders with their hands, and each country in Latin America has its own style and unique design. Even though handiworks can be very pricey, if you take the time to look you are sure to find something beautiful that meets your budget.

Crafts make very special gifts, not only because they are handmade, but also because each is an original, unique work of art. Throughout the year, several craftsmen work on pieces inspired by the holiday season. Nativity sets, Catholic saint carvings and Three Kings figurines are just a few handicrafts that became very popular during the early part of the twentieth century.

In Puerto Rico, giving Catholic saint figurines as presents is a common practice that intermixes the indigenous and Catholic traditions. Miniature figurines measure between 12 and 20 inches; they become objects of worship and protections against evil.

Today Nativity sets and Three Kings figurines have more than just religious connotations. They have become collectors’ items. In our homelands, many families treasure these keepsakes and hand them down from one generation to the next.

It does not really matter the particular origin of the handicraft that you choose, you can be sure that it will soon become a cherished gift. Your gift will be appreciated by anyone who feels proud of the long and hard work of the Latino craftsman.

There are shops all over the United States dedicated solely to selling handicrafts from around the world. You can even choose a gift from a shop that specializes in Latin American furniture and / or distinctive objects.

It is even more convenient to purchase these items from the comfort of your own home. You can quickly logon to several websites dedicated solely to the sale of Latin American products and handicrafts.

If you really want to be original with your holiday shopping list, you can create your own gift. All you need is a little time and a good dose of creativity. In addition, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your gift was made with your very own hands.

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